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quarta-feira, 27 de outubro de 2010

Corninhos valem 3 milhões

A Electricidade de Portugal paga três milhões por aulas do ex-ministro Manuel Pinho em Nova Iorque!
A notícia foi divulgada, em português, no dia 15 Agosto por Ramiro Marques no blog

Lembram-se do ministro que se demitiu por fazer corninhos no Parlamento? Um tal Manuel Pinho, alto quadro do BES?
Pois bem, Manuel Pinho vai dar aulas sobre energias renováveis, na Universidade de Columbia, por quatro anos e quem paga não são os americanos, somos nós, os parolos, que estamos presos ao monopólio da eléctrica portuguesa. O website da Columbia University está linkado a outro que refere que as aulas de Manuel Pinho são pagas pela EDP e custam apenas três milhões de euros. A EDP não comenta nem revela o montante.

Por um preço tão elevado, acredito que Manuel Pinho saberá muito de energias renováveis, apesar de ser licenciado e doutorado em... Economia.

A transcrição do website da Universidade de Columbia:

Global Leader in Renewable Energy Will Teach at SIPAIn the fall semester of 2010, Manuel Pinho, former Portuguese minister of the economy and innovation, will serve as visiting professor at Columbia’s School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA). In this role, Pinho will help oversee lectures and other new programming to advance education about non-traditional sources of energy. Read more about Pinho and Portugal’s global leadership on energy in the New York Times, which notes that Pinho “largely masterminded the transition” Portugal has made to renewable energy.SIPA is developing the programming, to launch this fall and to be announced soon, with the support of a gift from Energias de Portugal, S.A. (EDP), one of Europe’s largest energy operators and one of the world’s largest producers of wind energy.
Pinho, a former director of the European Investment Bank and economist at the International Monetary Fund, also will work with SIPA to oversee the development of new coursework, fieldwork, and research through its Energy and Environment concentration. The concentration provides students with the knowledge base and analytical tools needed to address the challenge of sustainably and responsibly powering the developed and developing nations of the world.
Beginning in 2011, SIPA will host each fall semester nearly two dozen students from Portugal’s Instituto Universitário de Lisboa’s Business School (ISCTE), who will enroll in energy-related courses at SIPA.More in

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